
Advent Pop-Up 2024
On December 14th, we warmly invite you to join us for a festive Advent shopping event at SCHØNES in Aschaffenburg. In Steffen's unique store, you'll find wonderful interior pieces, decorations, and special gifts to discover.
We’ll be bringing a great selection of yarns, gift sets, and much more!
We can't wait and are really excited to see you there!
SCHØNES Concept Store
Rossmarkt 34
63739 Aschaffenburg
Google Maps Link
Pop-Up Store in Aschaffenburg
Starting June 25, 2024, we are opening our Pop-Up Store for the second time for 5 days at La Bottega di Nicola in our hometown of Aschaffenburg.
Discover our yarn and color collection and much more related to knitting. Meet with other knitting enthusiasts for a chat and knitting session, and enjoy a cappuccino or wine in Nicola's charming Bottega.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday - Friday, June 25 - 28, 2024, from 3 PM - 6 PM
Saturday, June 29, 2024, from 10 AM - 4 PM
Cappuccino con Strick
Saturday June 29, 2024
1 - 3 pm
Come & join us for some knitting, a delicious cappuccino and try our yarn buffet in a relaxed atmosphere in Nicola's charming Bottega.
Limited number of participants - reservations are available here.
La Bottega di Nicola is located on a quiet side street near Aschaffenburg Castle. The adjacent castle garden with Pompejanum invites you to take a stroll, and for refreshment, there's a beer garden right down by the Main riverbank.
The train station is a 5-minute walk away, and if you are coming by car, you can park in one of the two parking garages nearby.
La Bottega di Nicola
Karlstrasse 6
63739 Aschaffenburg

Wedding Wool Week
30.5. - 1.6.2024
For the first time we are at the Wedding Wool Week in Berlin and we look forward to seeing you there!
Love Yarn Madrid
9. - 11. Februar 2024
For the first time we are at the "Love Yarn Madrid" in February and we look forward to seeing you there!
Nordby - Wooldays - Fanø
15. - 17. September 2023
We are looking forward to seeing you again at Wooldays on Fanø in Denmark!
Pop-Up Store in Aschaffenburg
Ab dem 20. Juni 2023 öffnen wir für 5 Tage unseren Pop-Up Store in der La Bottega di Nicola in unserer Heimatstadt Aschaffenburg.
Triff uns zu einem Plausch in Nicolas charmanter Bottega und entdecke unsere handgefärbten Garne und vieles mehr rund ums Stricken bei einem Cappuccino oder Wein.
Dienstag - Freitag, 20.-23.06.2023 von 15 - 18 Uhr
Samstag, 24.06.2023 von 10 - 16 Uhr
WALK x INCONTRO [man trifft sich]
Freitag, 23.06.2023 ab 18 Uhr
Stricke mit uns bei einem italienischen Abend mit erlesenen Weinen & Antipasti und probiere dich durch unser Garnbüffet.
Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl - Reservierung unter www.walkcollection.com ab Montag 5.6.23 um 16h hier möglich.
Die La Bottega di Nicola liegt in einer ruhigen Seitenstraße in direkter Nähe zum Aschaffenburger Schloss. Der anschließende Schloßgarten mit Pompejanum läd zum Spazierengehen ein und für Erfrischung sorgt der Biergarten gleich unten am Mainufer.
Der Bahnhof ist in 5 Minuten zu Fuß erreichbar und wer mit dem Auto kommen möchte, kann in einem der beiden Parkhäuser in der Nähe parken.
La Bottega di Nicola
Karlstrasse 6
63739 Aschaffenburg